Meet Emily Evans

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Meet Emily Evans, the adorable, always-smiling Brit who is definitely going places with her skating career! As a young ice dancer who competes both solo and with partners, Emily has made several trips to the British National Championships, as well as medaling at competitions such as Deeside and Lee Valley. In 2018, she was named to the Great Britain Development Squad, and her skills, artistry, edges, and passion for the sport only grow with each consecutive season. Get to know Emily a little bit more here!


Birthday: (11 years old)

Born: Cardiff, Wales

Hometown: Cardiff, Wales

Currently: Cardiff, Wales

Country Represented: Great Britain Skating Club: Cardiff Ice Skating Club

Discipline: Ice Dance

Level: Skate UK 6

Training Location: Viola Arena in Cardiff, Wales Coaches: James Rigden, Dmitry Sukhanov, Lucy Strange

Boots: Risport

Blades: MK Dance


Q: When did you start skating, and what made you love it so much?

A: Six years old! I started skating because I went skating in Germany one time, and I loved it, and then I went to a (figure skating) show and said I wanted to do it!

Q: This past season was your first year on the Great Britain Development Squad. What have you learned from being part of that program, and how do you think you've grown as a skater in the last year?

A: I have learned a lot and met a lot of new friends in the squad camps, and they have corrected steps and taught me new ones! I have grown a lot as a skater in the last year by being able to do more and by working hard.

Q: You've skated in four Christmas ice shows (Nutcracker, Aladdin, Annie, and Cinderella), so I was wondering, do you like performing or competing better?

A: I like both the same because in shows, you can be a character and work with other skaters, but then I like competing because you can try and beat other people from your rink - or other people from different rinks - but I like trying to beat my personal bests, and I quite like being under pressure.

Q: What does a typical day in the life of Emily Evans look like?

A: My week days go like get up for school and then skating, then on weekends it goes skating, stretch a bit, then maybe go out with friends, cycling, playing outside, art, and if I have time, maybe cooking.

Q: What are your top three goals for the 2019-20 skating season?

A: Win a competition, get my Level 7 Field Moves and Level 6 Dance, and then finally get more flexible!

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Left: Emily after her double win at the Deeside competition in 2018

Center: Perfecting her form on the ice

Right: Emily and a fuzzy friend in the kiss & cry during the 2017-18 season


Who is your biggest role model?

Evgenia Medvedeva and Nick Buckland and Penny Coomes!

If you were an animal, which kind would you be and why?

I would be a tiger or a lion because they are fierce and strong and kind of sassy.

Go-to snack?

Rice cakes and flapjacks.

When do you feel the happiest?

I feel the happiest when I'm skating, when I'm with family and friends, and when I'm doing sport.

Quote to live by?

"Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you'll miss when you don't even try."

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On or off the ice, Emily glows with kindness and joy!


Instagram: @emilybe07

Don't forget to follow Emily on social media to track her progress as one of Britain's rising stars on ice!